
KeexyBox is a software program to be installed in RaspiOS (Raspberry Pi) or Debian (64-bit Intel/AMD machine).

Parental Control

The advantage of KeexyBox’s parental control is that it protects your whole home network. There is therefore no installation to be carried out on your devices or even any certificate to be installed, unlike certain solutions.

The only action will be to open an Internet browser, connect to the address of your KeexyBox (1) and enter the child’s Internet connection user name and password.

Once access has been granted to the Internet, your child will be able to browse in complete safety on the web thanks to the filters you have created and activated and also according to the weekly times you have defined on his or her profile. KeexyBox also offers the possibility of forcing the filtering of contents on search engines such as Google, Bing and YouTube. You will thus prevent your children from coming across offensive content.

You can suspend the Internet connection of the devices used by your children at any time via the KeexyBox management interface.

(1) KeexyBox also allows you to dispense with entering a password by permanently declaring and connecting the device used by your child. Your filtering rules and access times will also be applied.